Functioning Depression Is a Thing
It seems to me that it is getting harder and harder to stay positive and stop worrying about my day-to-day life. Bills, bills, bills, and then more bills. Everything has a price, and the price has quadrupled in the last 5 years. Now I don’t know about you, but I need to stay in a positive mindset today more than ever. But guess what, today I don’t want to meditate. I don’t want to exercise. I definitely don't want to eat right. It's just one of those days. So, I have decided to be intentional about everything I do today. It's so important to take care of ourselves even more when we don’t want to. It’s one of the best ways to fight depression.
Functioning depression is a thing and I have suffered from for years. It’s so subtle that it can be overlooked very easily. I feel tired even after I’ve slept for hours. I may look like I have a high self-esteem but baby… I have to boost myself up every day. I can’t concentrate. I can literally be in the middle of a task and start to do something else. Or I pick up my phone to do something and completely forget why and now I’m surfing the internet. I am increasingly irritated by little things that should never bother me. I wake up multiple times in the middle of the night and it’s not just to go to the bathroom. Just up for no reason. And my appetite is up and down. I either don’t eat enough or eat too much.
No one notices because I appear to be so happy, I excel at work, and I am super friendly, but this internal war is exhausting. I have to work on myself every day so that I can continue to help people. It’s one of the reasons I created this platform, to help people because I know I am not alone. Medication cannot help me. The only thing that has helped is the everyday practices of manifestations, affirmations, and journaling. I am so passionate about it because it's the only thing that is keeping me sane. So, on a day like this I am even more intentional, and I invite you to do the same.
I am worthy of peace of mind.
I deserve to be happy.
I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
I am capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way.
I am continuously growing and improving.
I am at peace with my past and excited about my future.
I am strong and I believe in myself
I am worthy of love and respect.
These are some of the affirmations that I state throughout the day to help me get through. Use them or make up your own. We are not alone. You just have to find your community. I hope you join me here
With love,
The SelfLoveGoddessChic✨💕